
Ginger Lemon Bancha Bio

country of origin Japan

Loose tea
145 Kč / 50g

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+420 777 052 974

Mixture of Bancha green tea, ginger and lemon grass. Bancha Keiko origins from bigger leaves that grow under fresh spring buds. It shoots after the fresh buds are picked and the tree is trimmed. It is suitable for all day drinking. Lighter green leaves with a peppery and grassy aroma. Green yellow in a cup with a fresh flavour and vegetal tones of freshly cut grass, seeweed and a pleasant hint of a baked bread.

Preparation: Allow 3 teaspoons (15 g) of tea for 1l of boiled water, cooled down to 75°C, steep for 50 seconds. For second infusion, cool the water down to 75°C, steep only for 15 seconds. Third infusion steep 30 seconds.


Form: Tea Mixture
Country of origin: Japan