Black Tea in Nepal
The combination of higher altitude, cool climate and frequent rainfall creates ideal conditions for growing quality Nepali tea. Nepali tea has a similar history to that of the teas from nearby Darjeeling and has long existed in their shadow. In recent years, however, there has been a significant emancipation of the Nepali tea industry. New gardens are being established, and there is a greater emphasis on quality, sustainability and environmentally friendly ways of growing tea. The landscape of the Himalayan foothills is one of the most beautiful in the world.
More...In Nepal, tea bushes grow in close connection with nature, surrounded by wild forests and high mountains. Agriculture is only minimally mechanised and tea collection and sometimes processing is done by hand. Nepalese teas of recent years no longer taste like copies of the more famous darjeelings. They are distinctive, flavourful, balanced black teas with a rich aroma and a clear distinct character. Teas capable of competing with other production areas.