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In our lands probably most common and popular form of processing tea. They have often dark brown even black colour which gives them their name - black teas in the West. In a cup they are dark red and that gives them Asian name - red teas.
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Green teas are no longer popular only in China, Korea or Japan. Green teas have conquered the world and we may choose from colourful variety of types and flavours. Discover the world of green tea.
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Nowadays, very popular teas are characterized by elegant unobtrusive lightness and the original appearance of leaves full of silver hairy tips.
Matcha - tea and accessories
Green Japanese powdered tea used in the chanoyu tea ceremony. The finest leaves of Japanese green tea are milled after drying in slow stone mills. Thanks to such special processing, matcha preserves all active substances and bright refreshing taste and aroma.
Countless teas, types, aroma, flavour and colours. Countless varieties of tea bushes and leaf processing. Very long history starting in continental China first and later continued on mythic Taiwan. This all are Oolong teas. They are characterised by semi-oxydization of the leaves.
Puerh teas are made from a large-leaf variety of tea tree that grows in the tropical mountain area of Yunnan. Their rich history dates back to the beginning of the current era, and it is generally acknowledged that it is possibly the oldest method of tea leaf processing at all.
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